Teacher Tip: “I grabbed some of the dry-erase pockets off of Amazon, making it easy to swap in and out materials throughout the year. If you’d rather be under the sea, try this board and invite students to dive into learning. Hamilton fan? This back-to-school bulletin board is for you! Print out some of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s inspirational tweets for an easy display. Those 3D crayons are actually really easy to make using the free template you can get here. This racing theme works for any elementary grade. This sweet donut-themed bulletin board would work well with cupcakes too. Here’s where you can get the adorable bee cutouts, 3D butterflies (free download), picket fence boarder, and the 3D sun. This playful bulletin board puts your students’ hard work on display. This is geared toward younger kids but could be tweaked for older students too. Post a pic of each student under a flap with their name on it to help students learn their classmates’ names and faces. We only recommend items our team loves!) 1. (Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. Plus, check out this free app from from Creative Teaching Press that helps you create, organize, and share your bulletin board layouts. There’s something here to match every teacher personality, and lots of them are easy enough for anyone to do. Ready to deck the (school) halls and welcome everyone to your classroom? These back-to-school bulletin board ideas are exactly what you need, including displays created by teachers on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE Facebook group.